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Ce trimestre, nous cuisinons des recettes de pays francophones!

Voici quelques-unes de nos recettes!

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    À Propos

This trimester, the theme in French A was Bon appétit dans l’Ouest de la France.

The class learned how to offer, accept and refuse food as well as asking for and giving an opinion on food they ate. They also used the partitive articles, the verbs vouloir, pouvoir and -ir verbs in the present tense as well as the conditional and imperative.

After doing research on typical specialities from francophone countries, students decided to prepare either a sweet or savory dish, and film a short cooking video of themselves making the dish. These dishes ranged from a pudding chômeur to profiteroles.

This project tested their ability to both speak the language and apply the new grammar that they had learned throughout the trimester.

Finally, students compiled all of their research on the recipes, as well as a step-by-step guide to cooking these dishes at home on their very own French A cooking blog!

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Les créations récentes

Le pudding chomeur par Seth


Le pain d'amande par Emmett


Les profiteroles par Tai

Bonjour, je m'appelle Seth, et voici un lien vers ma vidéo de Pudding Chômeur, un un dessert du Canada.

Bonjour, je m'appelle Emmett, er voici un lien vers ma vidéo du Pain d'Amandes, une patisserie française.

Bonjour, je m'appelle Tai, et voici un lien vers ma vidéo des Profitéroles, un dessert français. 

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Bon Appétit!



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